Client service
Our various skills (Paper, Panels and Forming) require us to set up and run an appropriate organization. This interdependence is orchestrated by an ERP, perfectly dedicated to our needs and to those of our customers.
It links and follows our organisation from Paper making to Panel production and Packaging, and from taking orders to invoicing and shipping.
Two specific Sales Administrations meet the different needs of our clients.
One deals with Panel-related needs, in terms of responsiveness, advice and Business skills. This office is completely dedicated to our Transformer and POS advertising clients.
The other, in close collaboration with the Design Office, handles all new studies, monitoring and renewal of customer packaging. Each Account Manager manages the accounts assigned geographically to field agents.
Of course these Sales Administrations, particularly through our ERP, are constantly liaising with Planning to manage and fine-tune the desired schedules as much as possible.
Our laboratory enables us, throughout the process, to achieve regular and long-term monitoring in our production of Paper, Panels and Packing. These same controls are also carried out on the Paper we purchase. We can, through a variety of regulatory testing, analyse and assess a composition or design before making a business proposition to our customers. Again starting from the laboratory, we manage any possible cases of provider non-compliance (Paper), as well as the renewal of FSC and UN certifications.